Painful Orgasm
What causes painful orgasm in men, and how can it be treated?
Painful orgasm (painful ejaculation) is commonly described as a pain or burning sensation that happens when a man ejaculates. He may feel pain between his anus and genitals or in his testes. He may also feel it in the urethra, the tube that semen passes through. Pain may be mild or severe.
A man may become so frustrated by this pain that he starts to avoid sex. His relationship with his partner may suffer as a result. Many men with painful ejaculation experience depression and anxiety.
Painful orgasm can have a number of causes:
Inflammation and Infections
Prostatitis - inflammation of the prostate gland, which is involved with semen production
Orchitis - inflammation of one of both testes, the glands that make sperm
Urethritis - inflammation of urethra, the tube that semen passes through when a man ejaculates.
Sexually-transmitted infections – such as trichomoniasis
Pelvic Conditions and Treatments
Prostate cancer
Pelvic radiation
Lower pelvic surgery– such as radical prostatectomy (removal of the prostate)
Nerve damage in the penis– such as from an injury or complications of diabetes.
Chronic pain in the pelvis
Blockages in the ejaculatory system- from cysts or stones